#FromTechlandWithLove - supporting the local COVID-19 relief efforts

Techland has been operating for almost 30 years. In the Wrocław office alone we currently employ close to 300 people. We are strongly connected with the local community - our employees, their families and friends are a part of it. Since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, we’ve felt the duty to help those in need.
During this time we have participated in several activities and we would like to thank everyone from local businesses, organizations around Wrocław, as well as our Techland team members. Thanks to all your support, together we made our local area more equipped to deal with this difficult situation.

Since early March, we’ve provided personal protective equipment for doctors and the chronically ill, as well as financed coronavirus tests for medical workers.

We have also funded computers for orphanages and schools and provided food to the elderly and single parents. We did not forget about animals in shelters either, financing food and necessary materials.

Finally, we supported service companies with which we cooperate on a daily basis and which found themselves in a difficult economic situation, especially during the early stage of the lockdown.
Thank you for your cooperation and support:
Miasto Wrocław,
MOPS Wrocław,
Osiem Misek,
VEGA Bar Wegański,
W Trójkącie,
Dolnośląska Federacja Organizacji Pozarządowych,
Diagnostyka Laboratoria Medyczne.