
Unia Europejska

Internal Mobility at Techland

Internal Mobility at Techland

Working at Techland can mean fulfilling yourself in more than one role. Most often, of course, not in two at once, though :) Our employees can start looking for new challenges within the company. We’re always glad to help them try something different and - as a result - take part in our internal recruitment process. Just like Julia, Paulina and Jacek, whose stories we want to present to you today.

How long have you worked in Techland?

Julia Szynkaruk (Producer): I started working in Techland in July 2018.
Paulina Dziedziak (Senior PR Specialist): I’ve been working at Techland for over 7 years.
Jacek Kowalski (Level Designer): I’ve been working in Techland for little more than six years.

All of you have been in the company for some time. What has your journey been like?

Julia: I started as a Junior QA Tester, as I applied without any commercial experience in gamedev. After about six months, I became a Junior QA Analyst and I was working as an embedded QA in the 3D environment art team; then a QA Analyst and in 2020, I became an Associate Producer and after a while I became a Producer.

Paulina: For over 4 years, I had been a recruiter, searching and hiring new #peopleoftechland. Then I moved to the PR department and I have been working here for 3 years now.

Jacek: I started my journey as a Junior QA Tester in 2016 and worked my way up through various projects to finally become an embedded QA in the Dying Light 2 Quest Team near the end of 2017. I got promoted to a regular QA Tester in the middle of 2018 and then became a QA Analyst in 2019. At that time, I was thinking about different possibilities to develop my career, but as I gained more and more knowledge about our tools and level design, my path became clear, so at the start of 2020, I became a Level Designer and that’s my current position.

That is impressive. Why did you decide to take part in the internal recruitment process?

Julia: It was a smooth transition. As a QA, I started doing more and more tasks related to the organization - first as a support person. Then I realized that project management/production really gives me tons of satisfaction and a huge potential for gaining new knowledge along with experience. After about 3 months of the probation period - when I was still a QA, I was performing Producer-oriented tasks and I got promoted to an Associate Producer.

Paulina: Events, communication and employer branding activities were always close to my heart, so after a few years of experience in recruitment, I decided to change the path of my career and try something new. I talked to my manager as well as my future manager and we all agreed that my new place is in the PR Department. I didn't realize then that it wasn't over yet and I would be working on a launch campaign for Techland's biggest game so far - DL2SH!

Jacek: I wanted to start learning something new. I had access to people from different specializations and the possibility to learn what their work looked like. It made my choice of path much easier.

What do you like most about Techland?

Julia: The people! Our teams consist of awesome, creative and very knowledgeable people. It's a pleasure to work in such diverse and specialized teams. Also, I've been a fan of Techland games for years. I feel very proud to also have a chance to be part of Techland’s history.

Paulina: The people!

Jacek: First and foremost - the People of Techland. We have a lot of talented people with endless imagination.

Why is Techland a good company for people who want to develop their careers?

Julia: I feel like there's no limit to one's area of specialization. People here are open to teach you about certain aspects of their specialization. If you have an idea, you can always share it with the teams and there are many ways of developing oneself - by attending meetings/edu-training sessions/browsing the knowledge base or using the training budget.

Paulina: There are a lot of opportunities, helpful people, and a friendly environment here. I’m grateful for the chance and trust I’ve received from the people around me.

Jacek: It’s easy to learn here. You are surrounded by a number of people with vast experience and they’re eager to share their knowledge.

What was the most exciting project you have worked on?

Julia: I'd say every one of them :) Finishing DL2 was a rollercoaster of excitement, seeing the game looking more and more final, seeing the prototypes turn into full versions, or the first days after the release. But in my heart, the warmest place is reserved for Call of Juarez: Gunslinger - as this was a project we did in our free time, everyone was extremely motivated, and we had a lot of fun working on it.

Paulina: The Dying Light 2 Stay Human launch campaign! It was a hell of a ride ;) very demanding, very new for me (as it was my first one), but the experience and skills I have gained are invaluable. I learnt so many different things in a short period of time.

Jacek: Dying Light 2 of course.

Work with us

Finally, what’s your advice if someone has doubts about looking for new opportunities internally?

Julia: Don't have doubts! If you think about internal recruitment, simply talk with your superior, ask for a possibility and plan for your development and prove that you're good at a different area than the one you're working in. And you may learn a lot along the way.

Paulina: Don't keep it to yourself, talk! Talk to your manager, HRBP, find out what opportunities are waiting for you, do not start assuming you will fail this mission :)

Jacek: Don't be afraid to talk about it. Remember that you have a head start, because you already know the company, its processes, tools and the people around you.

Jacek Kowalski (Level Designer)

Jacek Kowalski
Level Designer

Jacek started his Techland’s journey in 2016 as a QA Tester. Since then he has changed his career path and now he is continuing his work as Level Designer. In his free time, he likes playing video games, preferably with friends but good single player is also an option. When offline he likes to play boardgames and read books from his still growing WH40K library.

Paulina Dziedziak (Senior PR Specialist)

Paulina Dziedziak
Senior PR Specialist

Paulina has been working at Techland for over 7 years. She started as a Recruitment Specialist and now she is working as a Senior PR Specialist. Amateur sailor and cat lover. In her free time she likes to drive thousands of kilometres just to see the sunrise in the Dolomites.

Julia Szynkaruk (Associate Producer)

Julia Szynkaruk

Julia works at Techland for almost 5 years now. She began working as Junior QA tester and a few years later she became Producer of environment and art teams. She loves to play video games - both new releases as retro classics, owns a huge collection of physical game copies and game consoles. Though video games take 90% of her daily time, she also enjoys going on long walks, reading books and singing.

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